The fifth installment of MoMA’s Performance Exhibition Series is the North American premiere of Mark Leckey’s (British, b. 1964) performance-based work Mark Leckey in the Long Tail (2009). Part lecture, part monologue, and part living sculpture, the work traverses the history of television and broadcasting, incorporating the role of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and the icon of Felix the Cat, while simultaneously addressing the “long tail” theory of internet-based economics. For the performance, Leckey lectures from inside an installation, which employs a revolving stage that hovers between film set and sculpture. The exhibition will be performed live three times on October 1, 2, and 3 at The Abrons Arts Center in New York City.
Mark Leckey. Mark Leckey in the Long Tail. 2009. Performed at The Abrons Arts Center, 2009. © 2009 Mark Leckey and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, NY. Photo: Amy C. Elliot