We are not ducks on a pond, but ships at sea - IMPEX Contemporary Art Provider at Trafó Gallery
2011.05.28. 17:03 | Emese Süvecz
exhibition collaboration publication performativity curator discussions
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Bánki-tó Fesztivál Marom Klub Egyesület / Lake Bánk Festival Marom Club Associaton
2011.05.28. 16:28 | Emese Süvecz
exhibition gig ecology collaboration panel discussions
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Irány a piac! - Védegylet / Let's go to the market - Protect the Future
2011.05.28. 13:17 | Emese Süvecz
politics exhibition education ecology activism collaboration panel discussions biodiversity
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Ökofeszt - Védegylet, Zöld Fiatalok / Ecofest - Protect the Future, Young Greens
2011.05.28. 11:51 | Emese Süvecz
politics exhibition education gig ecology activism collaboration panel discussions guerrilla propaganda action
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Uniwersytet Latający / Flying University / Floating University
2011.05.28. 10:45 | Emese Süvecz
politics education cold war resistance activism collaboration feminist pedagogy underground university
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The Travelling Drawing School - project of Péter Szabó
2011.05.25. 02:25 | Emese Süvecz
exhibition education collaboration curator
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Table Society
2011.05.25. 01:01 | Emese Süvecz
exhibition architecture collaboration curator urbanism discussions
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Community as a Doctor - the project of Erika Baglyas, Zsuzsanna Tóth and Zsolt Zalka
2011.05.25. 00:43 | Emese Süvecz
exhibition collaboration curator discussions
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Anatomy of a Street
2011.05.24. 23:14 | Emese Süvecz
collaboration walks panel discussions curator research project urbanism discussions
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Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
2011.05.24. 22:51 | Emese Süvecz
event collaboration publication text work feminist pedagogy
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Homework - Everybody is Friends with Paulo Freire
2011.05.24. 16:38 | Emese Süvecz
video exhibition education collaboration curator text work re enactment performative lecture
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