Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies

Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies is the open educational resource of the 2011 June seminar of Free School for Art Theory and Practice. Seminar leaders: Paul O'Neill and Mick Wilson. © and authors. Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies a Művészetelméleti és Gyakorlati Szabadiskola 2011 júniusi szemináriumának oktatási melléklete. Szemináriumvezetők: Paul O'Neill és Mick Wilson. © és a szerzők.

A tranzit kortárs művészeti program fő támogatója az Erste Alapítvány
Erste Stiftung

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coalesce: a project by Paul O'Neill

2011.05.24. 15:45 | Emese Süvecz

video painting exhibition education curator exhibition design text work

coalesce is an on-going exhibitionary project, a mutating environment of overlapping painting, video, and text work in migration, and held at key locations. Works 'coalesce' and co-habit with one other, overlapping and interweaving in the gallery space to create one coalescent whole, yet always…

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