Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies

Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies is the open educational resource of the 2011 June seminar of Free School for Art Theory and Practice. Seminar leaders: Paul O'Neill and Mick Wilson. © and authors. Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies a Művészetelméleti és Gyakorlati Szabadiskola 2011 júniusi szemináriumának oktatási melléklete. Szemináriumvezetők: Paul O'Neill és Mick Wilson. © és a szerzők.

A tranzit kortárs művészeti program fő támogatója az Erste Alapítvány
Erste Stiftung

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Unitednationsplaza & Unitednationsplaza archive

2011.05.28. 17:18 | Emese Süvecz

exhibition education publication curator art academy discussions

Unitednationsplaza was a temporary, experimental school in Berlin, initiated by Anton Vidokle following the cancellation of Manifesta 6 on Cyprus, in 2006. Developed in collaboration with Boris Groys, Liam Gillick, Hatasha Sadr Haghighian, Nikolaus Hirsch, Martha Rosler, Walid Raad, Jalal Toufic and…

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We are not ducks on a pond, but ships at sea - IMPEX Contemporary Art Provider at Trafó Gallery

2011.05.28. 17:03 | Emese Süvecz

exhibition collaboration publication performativity curator discussions

The project ‘We are not ducks on a pond...‘ deals with different aspects of the notions of informality, chaos vs. order, correction and community. A small, grassroots collective will attempt to discuss and summarise these topics from their point of view within the frame of the…

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Sivan vs. Finkielkraut - Cabinet magazin re-enactment of the trial at Documenta 12 "magazine projects"

2011.05.25. 09:56 | Emese Süvecz

exhibition publication panel discussions performativity curator re enactment

Venue: Documenta, Kassel, Germany Date: 8 September 2007 As a participant of Documenta's "magazines project," Cabinet was invited to mount a one-day event at Documenta. Our event, which took place on 8 September 2007, was dedicated to re-examining Israeli filmmaker Eyal Sivan's libel…

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Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

2011.05.24. 22:51 | Emese Süvecz

event collaboration publication text work feminist pedagogy

Open publication - Free publishing - More writings

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A.C.A.D.E.M.Y. Learning from Art

2011.05.23. 07:00 | Emese Süvecz

exhibition publication (exhibition series) academy

IMAGESAcademy is an initiative of Siemens Arts Program in cooperation with the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths College in London, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, and Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. Curators Bart de Baere and Dieter Roelstrate (Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst…

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Summit - Non-Aligned Initiatives in Education Culture

2011.05.23. 01:39 | Emese Süvecz

publication panel discussions

Summit - The project was organized by a collective—Irit Rogoff (London), Florian Schneider (Munich), Nora Sternfeld (Vienna), Susanne Lang (Berlin), Nicolas Siepen (Berlin), Kodwo Eshun (London)—and in collaboration with the HAU theatres, Unitednationsplaza, BootLab, and the…

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