Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies

Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies is the open educational resource of the 2011 June seminar of Free School for Art Theory and Practice. Seminar leaders: Paul O'Neill and Mick Wilson. © and authors. Curating & Educational Turn Seminar: Case Studies a Művészetelméleti és Gyakorlati Szabadiskola 2011 júniusi szemináriumának oktatási melléklete. Szemináriumvezetők: Paul O'Neill és Mick Wilson. © és a szerzők.

A tranzit kortárs művészeti program fő támogatója az Erste Alapítvány
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The Travelling Drawing School - project of Péter Szabó

2011.05.25. 02:25 | Emese Süvecz

exhibition education collaboration curator

The Travelling Drawing School by Péter Szabó

The Travelling Drawing School is series of events, based on education and community-building. Its’ first stage and debut will be on the Gallery Night 2010. In the mornings called upon artists and experts will hold „drawing lessons” on the line of previously decided topics, at the evenings the results of these classes will be exhibited. The participants of these special lessons will be high-school students, who formerly applied for the project. The aim of these lessons is not to teach them how to draw, but to promote a tangible communication with the help of drawing. The imprint of these communication-experiments will be shown on the exhibitions, where the visitors can have an insight of the workshop-situations and take part in a fresh and dynamic exhibition of the newly made works. Apart from these, the alternative ways of teaching and the educational methods of the artists will be visible through the exhibited drawings. Thus the educator artists and experts are behaving only as a leader or a helper: with their topics and ideas they create the situation for the Drawers and ensure the frame of the work.


1. Tree of decisions: The aim of the „lesson” is to build a model, which can help us to simulate an imaginary situation in the future. For example: What if the money won’t exist? The goal is to create three or four big-sized model, illustrated by drawings, notes, diagram’s on a huge metal board.

2. A punch of amortization: How can young people process the fact of violence what they can see on the streets, in the media or maybe at home? How can they react on and how they define them? During the „drawing-lesson”- as a part of an anti-violence campaign- the Drawers make a statement against the maniac aggression in the society. For this statement they will use the genre of the cities’ unique visual communication language.

3. Are we different?: The participants are recalling the feeling of being out-casted, with a help of perfomative practices and short drama-plays. They draft the feelings and ideas caused by the situations. The exercises are multitudinous; the activity of the participants is indispensable.

4. ABC: The participants examine the effects of television and the mechanism of media: they produce and generate the situation of subjection, in which the costumer thinks that s/he has a choice. The information will get through a television to the Drawers, the film will be stopped, commented and explained by the artists.

5. People are animals: The goal is to make an individual- and a collective notice board which shows the topic of the person and it’s environment, focusing on industrial botanic-raising, animal husbandry, as well as the categories of necessary, sufficient, redundant and over-consumerism.


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